Monday, March 3, 2014

Easy Hot Dogs

Not the sucess story I was hoping for...  The ease of the homecooker meant, less dishes out on the bench and the beeping timer so I should have been able to do this beautifully!

First problem, it really felt like the water took way longer to boil than it usually does in my pot.
But anyway, it boiled, I steamed the long rolls in the large steaming dish and cooked the franks in the pasta bowl thing.

The buns were ok, they stick to the bottom and the side a little less that they do in my regular pot with the steamer attachment.  I could also fit all 6 in the container at one time, which I cant do with the my other pot.  I left them in there for a few minutes and while the franks cooked.
I cant remember the time I set...but it was too long!  By the time the water had come to the boil and I had left it long enough for the buns to get  steamed/warm up, the franks were a little bit split!

But in the end we ate hotdogs that tasted as good as if they had been cooked any other way, and I covered up the "splitness" with enough cheese and sauces, so it didnt matter!!

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